On the iPhone 7, iOS 11.2.1, it keeps crashing when analyzing photos and saving pallets. It also has a very confusing interface. Not very intuitive at all, still not sure what it all does. I’m sorry I wasted the money.
Works well.
Suspect the originator died. Never used it. I'm deleting it.
It really needs an upgrade, please.
I didn't find too many apps for color analysis so tried this one. It's functional so good if it was free but not great as a pay app Problems I found are: -You can't see photo information so if you are trying to detect differences between similar photos you are screwed ( can't tell name of the photo, date or time) -The analysis area is square so if you are looking at a rectangle photo, you can only analyze the portion the program selects -You can make adjustments to the photo but can't save them -It only has 8 bit color -your finger is above the pick location so it's hard to dynamically tell where you are picking from -you can't pick a single pixel so not sure if it is using an average or what font the result
It does what I want it to. Grab colors from your image or a website and save them multiple times ways. The only feature i would add is a semantic list of stored palettes. Thanks for this amazing app.
This app has a lot more features than any other like it. Whether I need a color palette based on a photo, or from a specific hex code, it does it and WAY MORE!!! It would be even better if it was a little more user friendly; even some tutorials would help. Great app though!!
Truly amazingly useful! Only one disappointment for me. The app maxes out (stops processing) at less than 5 megabytes of data. It does notify you about this - without crashing - but for my use it really requires a way to store its terrific data in a retrievable database on iPhone. So much disk space is available, won't you let us use it? Please...Won't you? Then I would readily update my review to reflect a very substantial expanded usability. BTW, thanks for including such granular editing capability ;-)
Works great with iPhone6 camera but won't work with my photo album. And the stupid "write a review" made me write this twice because my first "nickname" was already taken. Really???
Very frustrating app. Limited in possibilities and unfriendly Save your money
I cannot believe that someone has finally managed to come up with an app that does exactly what I needed it to do! I have been trying to choose paint colors for my home for about a year now. This app makes it so incredibly easy! Worth the money and more!
I truly hope they update this app again soon; I've been using it for several years now and it is one of the most useful apps for design in my arsenal. Helped me profusely when designing and creating websites on-the-go through my iPhone.
Covers it all! Photos, web sites and more!
very well done, love it.
I didn't even know there was a color called 'Forrest', but there it is right in one of my pics! Good to know
Not sure why the app does not have more review but it should. - first, it can pick up a color from a previous take photo or use your camera to take one. All without going out of the add. - analyze a color and find its way into a color spectrum.
You can only see all the colors on a pallet on the screen when editing And then they are super tiny. But the analysis is good.
Amazing app . A well deserved 5 stars !
Very helpful, and easy to use.
The perfect handy app for designers and developers. A must have.
What color was the candy bar I just ate? What color palette is in that pile of bird poop? All this and more are at your fingertips with this app. AMAZINGLY well thought out in terms of functionality... For digital designers of any sort, this app is a really fun toy as well as highly useful tool. Only reason in giving 4 and not 5 stars is because it crashes about 25% of the time on my iPhone 5, latest v. of iOS 6. But SRSLY: does what it says and then some.
Color is a handy tool in designing the color scheme for a website. I highly recommend it for this purpose.
Love the functions of the app, but the icon is so ugly I have a hard time looking at it. Consider updating the icon when you update for iPhone 5 please, pretty please.
Please add iPhone 5 support ASAP!
This app needs support for iPhone 5 4" screen
This is GREAT for me. I'm yearbook co-editor in chief, and I found this, now our book has amazing colors for the design I just I can't. Too awesome :P
As a quilter, choosing colors is the part of the process I feel least confident about. This app will be a big help in this process. Also, the tech support is outstanding. As I could find no instructions for using this app, I e mailed app support. A technician e mailed me back in less than 24 hours with detailed instructions on getting started using the app! Thank you
It supports landscape mode, yet the UI does not resize correctly.
This app is magnificent for quilters everywhere! Simply take a quick picture and this app will analyze it and provides a color palette to work with. What could be better than that??
Could not get it to work for photo analysis. Every time analyze button clicked, app closed. App support button takes you to an empty page. Can't remember if I paid for this app. Hope not!
Perfect for a casual artist or web programmer to have access to a great palette tool. I use this almost every day and would be lost without it.....thank you!
In our industry, we need to either match or get close to a color and paint objects using the standard Tiger Drylac RAL colors. With this app, you can take a picture, then it will tell you what the closest RAL color number is. Brilliant work on the part of the developer! Well worth a mere $1.99 charge... Thank you, thank you, thank you! JP
I'm a designer and this helps a lot when I need to match colors or find certain values. granted the colors rarely match perfectly, but that's not the apps fault, it's more due to the brightness of the screen. the extra features are nice, but nothing too special. overall it helps when I want a quick color choice and it even uses LAB colors and hexadecimal numbers, which I rarely see in apps.
Keep it up. Love it.
I needed a color App on my iPad2 that would show me the colors when entered as #xxxxxxxx values. I reviewed many, tried 2 others, but this hits the mark! Well done! If I were to request another option, it would be to have the #xxxxxxx entry as a separate option, similar to the options available in OSX Lion.
I love this app. The possibilities are endless. For me it really helps with any sort of digital art. I use it to look at an image that is digitally created and that 'works'. I load the image, use the auto analyze feature to get the main colors and then pick more colors manually. So that way I can understand why the elements in an image look so well blended. For example, I can pick an area of skin and this will show the exact color cast on the skin as well as the different colors in skin. It's a fantastic tool for learning. I can see how traditional artists would be helped in the same way, say to understand and break down the actual colors in an apple. It's not simply red. You can also load any webpage you like the color scheme of and create a palette. Great for designers. I can see so many uses for this. Day to day ones too. Even if you are buying curtains but cannot figure out which color will go with the decor, just take a photo of your room and you can see all the colors within it. You may have thought cream curtains would be ideal but after seeing the palette might realize that your room contains mainly cool colors. It's so easy to choose the color you want when you have a palette in front of you and can even take it to the showroom. The fact that you can photograph things on the spot and create color palettes make this such a useful tool. I can imagine it taking the guessing out of matching an outfit or even buying make-up! Especially if you want to get that exact replica of a discontinued lipstick shade. Great app. So many uses. Thank you!
I have not got the hang of the colors yet, but I will.
Thanks again for a great update!!
So helpful, love this app! Thanks
I like how I can grab the color code for any part of a website or photo. Great compliment to photoshop!
I like this app.
Just what I was looking for to help me with my latest project. The photo tool is AWESOME!